Refund Policy
We strive to deliver outstanding produce and to maintain long-term relationships with happy, satisfied, repeat customers.
Please notify us immediately if there is a problem with your order.
If we make an error with your order, or deliver a product to you in unsatisfactory condition, we will replace the item, if possible, or, in the alternative, will issue a credit to your account.
Because of the perishable nature of our products, our replacement period is only seven (7) days.
Please understand that, if you do not store your produce properly, or if you fail to pick up an order at a designated pick-up location, we are unable to provide replacements or to issue credits.
If you fail to pick up an order at a designated pick-up location, your order will be donated to a local nonprofit after 24 hours and you will not receive a replacement or credit.
Except in very special circumstances, we do not issue refunds. We expressly reserve the right to refuse to issue a refund.